Chairman/Club Captain – Keith Hunt chair [at]
Act as an Ambassador for the Club
Call meetings when appropriate (Committee and AGM)
Chair all Full Committee meetings
Ensure Committee members are aware of their roles and responsibilities
Notify club members promptly of any appointment, resignation or removal of Officers of the Committee
Prepare annual report for AGM
Liaise with British Triathlon Federation, Triathlon England and Triathlon London and other relevant bodies with whom we are affiliated
Mediate internal disputes
Respond to queries from club members on all club related issues
Ensure a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 9 x 2 hour Management Committee meetings are held, including the AGM, a year plus ensure issues raised at these meetings are dealt with promptly by the designated Officer/member.
Ensure all members are communicated with relevant information before and after meetings
Club Secretary – Catherine Pinchen secretary [at]
Deal with club organisation and ensure the club has up to date affiliations with all appropriate organisations (TE, UKA, BC, CTT etc)
Deal with all incoming and outgoing correspondence
Ensure Club members are kept up to date, via suitable methods, with any relevant information from outside bodies that may affect them
Keep all club records accurate and up to date
Liaise with Chairman to organise meetings
Prepare agendas and ensure minutes at all meetings are recorded and circulated.
Ensure all members are communicated with relevant information before and after meetings
Treasurer – Marc Morley-Freer treasurer [at]
Maintain accurate and up to date financial records for the Club
Establish and maintain Club bank account and banking arrangements
Produce and monitor annual budget
Report financial position to the committee
Collect and deposit fees, subscriptions and funds
Ensure funds are spent appropriately
Pay bills incurred by the Club
Completing the club’s annual HMRC tax return’ (in respect of Clash activities)
Prepare end of year accounts and financial report for AGM
Ensure all members are communicated with relevant information before and after meetings
Welfare Officer – Tom Coghill welfare [at]
Act as a Welfare Officer for the club ensuring they are up to date with current policies within TE and UKA .
Responsible for the implementation of good practice and child protection policies within the club.
Reports to the Chairperson of the club.
Investigate good working practices in other clubs and see how these could be incorporated into the club.
Be the first point of contact for anyone with any issues with regard to any instances of Discrimination or Harassment within the club
Ensure all members are communicated with relevant information before and after meetings
Represent the interests of the Junior Section on the Tritons Committee (4 meetings a year, plus AGM)
Liaise with Head Coach and committee to help manage the budget for the Junior Section.
Communicate with the committee and members as necessary on: Junior section news, decisions, coaching and budget issues, and events, including the Junior aquathlon.
Support the Junior Aquathlon race directly.
Encourage potential cross-over events and collaboration with the senior club, juniors and parents.
Share relevant information with Juniors’ parents and coaches.
Produce an end of year summary in collaboration with the Head Coach, to be shared with the club and parents.
Membership Secretary – Ian Wood membership [at]
Deal with all club membership including maintenance of list of club members
Keep all club records accurate and up to date
Handle all membership related email queries
Liaise with Club Secretary on all membership related matters
Ensure all members are communicated with relevant information before and after meetings
Coaching Co-Ordinator / Head Coach – Adam Tanner headcoach [at]
Act as the single point of contact for all coaching issues and questions
Chair the coaching sub-committee
In conjunction with the coaching sub-committee devise club coaching strategy, propose additional ‘one off’ coaching events for the club members
Report to the club committee on decisions, changes in strategy, coached sessions and relevant coaching decisions
Support novice ride captain and ride coordinator in their duties
Support the coaches in the weekly coached sessions as required
Review current club coached sessions and ensure they meet club members’ requirements
Define club coaching budget requirements
Communications – Tao Baker communications [at]
Manage regular updates to the home page of the website
Communicate on major events in the Club’s calendar (Clash/ handicap races (liaising
with the event/race officer) on the website
Publish a regular club newsletter and send to all members.
Encourage club members to write short reports on their race experiences for others to read for the website
Liaise with Chairman and the Events Team on prizes awarded at the Annual party and writing the speech with Chairman (collecting anecdotes on members when appropriate)
Ensure all members are communicated with relevant information before and after meetings
Club Development – Sophie Johnson development [at]
Promote the club in the local and wider areas
Promote the club within the triathlon community
Look at ways to develop the club membership and encourage new members into the club
Look at ways of advertising and marketing the club including investigating sponsorship opportunities
Write and supply press releases on Club activity to external medium where appropriate
Define any budget requirements for the promotion and advertising of the club.
Look at various accreditations that will enable the club to move forward, report them to the committee and manage the procedures to adopt and gain them, e.g. STARMARK/CLUBMARK.
Ensure all members are communicated with relevant information before and after meetings
Clash Race Director – Open – Please let us know if you’re interested! clash [at]
Act as the single point of contact for all Clash Race issues and questions
Chair the Clash sub-committee
Report to the club committee on all progress, changes in strategy and all relevant decisions made by the clash sub committee
Define budget requirements for Clash
Organise in conjunction with the Development officer sponsorship of race
In conjunction with the clash sub-committee devise event and race day strategy
Co ordinate with venues and relevant authorities like GLL
Ensure risk assessments are completed for all aspects of the race
Organise entry procedures and advertising of the race, including coordinating with TE and Triathlon London about entry into the London league.
Ensure all members are communicated with relevant information before and after meetings
Social Secretary/Events Team – Lizzie Church / Michelle Witheriff
Organise annual dinner and summer BBQ
Organise monthly social events
Identify opportunities for other Club social events
Work closely with the Communication Officer to organise and publicise Club events
Organise club teams for relevant triathlon events as necessary e.g. National relays, London League, relay teams at big events, club race outings
Motivate Club members to attend social events
Ensure as far as possible events are put on within any set budgetary limits
Calculate the results for Club awards and trophies based on the criteria set out by the Committee for each award, buying prizes/getting prizes engraved and produce these in time for the awards presentation at the Annual dinner (liaising with the Communications officer)
Ensure all members are communicated with relevant information before and after meetings
Kit and Resources – Johnny Smit kit [at]
Negotiate club discounts with retailers and suppliers
Manage booking of bike boxes through the website and liaise with club members to ensure return of boxes
Manage orders of Club kit by members including maintenance of stock levels
Liaise with kit suppliers and Treasurer on pricing of items and purchase decisions when appropriate
Arrange when required purchase of additional kit required for club e.g. Turbo trainers, swimming accessories
Maintain the Clubs on-line shop
Ensure all members are communicated with relevant information before and after meetings
Athletics Secretary – Lesley Baitup
Keep up to date the UKA membership list using the online portal and liaise with the treasurer to make sure all monies owed are paid
Act as Cross Country captain and be the single point of contact for all cross country communications
Organise teams for Kent XC league and championship races and submit the entry forms to the relevant organising bodies.
Promote the sport of Road and Cross Country running within the club
Update members with upcoming fixtures and results of previous fixtures and races
Support all team members at each XC event
Liaise with treasurer about all due XC fees
Liaise with secretary about any relevant issues from the UKA, KCAA or SEAA
Ensure all members are communicated with relevant information before and after meetings